Monday, September 7, 2009

Pictures from the Greek architecture project in our AP subject:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

List of Blog Sites from Friends

Hello again! This time I'm going to post some links to my friends blogs. But first thing's first, Here's the link to my Personal Webpage:

         Sealed My Personal PageSealed
Here mare some more links, all connecting to my friends own blogs.
 There's more, but I still have little information about the blogs of others. Sorry!!  I'll try to add more in the future!

TLE Tour Pics Part 2 !

Hello and welcome back! And now after a long wait (not really, cus' I just uploaded part 1 earlier this afternoon) here is the part 2 of TLE Tour Pics!

This time the pictures are on the a technology and livelihood center which has animal farms and and a pineapple products center.

Here it is, part 2:
Technology and livelihood center

Abaca fibers

Pen of Pigs
Goat herd
Really BIG goat (size of the biggest breed of dog(Great Dane?))
Other goats from the herd

Teachers that supervised the students during the trip/tour

1st bus with the banner

Busy hands trying to get the remaining pineapple products (no stealing now!)

Loom for making abaca cloth

Room for making pineapple tarts (and presumably other pineapple products)

Oven for baking/cooking the pinapple pastries

Bus 8 (Saturn and Alfelor students + Sir Arriola and Bus Driver) on return trip

Monday, August 31, 2009

TLE Tour Pics

Hello there! I'm back with pics from our tour in TLE. We went to Daet and visited many locations. Where, you ask? Well, just look at the pictures then!

Here they are:
 (note: pictures are not arranged in chronological order)
Okay first up is the Tinapa Factory.

Next is a high school in Daet that also features livelihood programs
(Oops! Um, just tilt your head 90 degrees counter clockwise. That should work.)
(Again just tilt your head)

Next is Bagasbas Beach
Theres more on the next post, till then Bye!